New post Top Sites Tuesday

Two Thoughts On Tuesday

We have been invaded…

Yes that’s right they are low flying (not very good) have no radar and are everywhere! One cannot go out side without protection, have you guessed who they are?

Japanese beetles! They are all over the farm. They absolutely get the ‘Worst Flying’ award… You can hear them hit the side of the house, the windows and you if you happen to be walking through the yard. The airplane bombed a couple farms over and ran them all this direction and if you go outside they fly so bad they will run right into you or anything in its path. If there were not so many it would almost be comical 🙂 We ran around and sprayed (natural chemicals of course) all of our vegetables and ran in the house so we wouldn’t get hit. I thought about wearing my motorcycle helmet outside today but then Trina made the joke that I should wear a helmet all the time anyway so I said forget it… I’m going for it, I am going to just run to the shop.

Of course it hasn’t rained in a month and I have to go to one of the construction jobs and take new kitchen countertops there so it has been raining for two days… LOL You all can thank me for this later… Hehehe
It always seem to go this way if it can’t get wet it rains isn’t that like Murphys law? So I am off to work I have a busy day first my web site work and then my second job, remodeling houses… I guess its just good to be working now days 🙂

Have a great Tuesday

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2 replies on “Two Thoughts On Tuesday”

Did you know the Japanese Beetle is in the cockroach family? Yes, it is true they are a cockroach! They are so disgusting and creepy!

Here’s your click ………..

Love and Blessings,

My only thought about wearing the motorcycle helmet is that it’s still way too hot and humid out to have a helmet on if you’re not actually gonna go out riding! 😀

Those bugs reminded me of the June bugs I used to collect as a child. I can’t imagine why I did that then when I can’t stand bugs now…

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