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When I get home, I like to…

Go in the house and put on my old tennis shoes and grab a good bottle of wine and go mow as many acres of grass until I have unwound and have forgotten all about the day. I guess the farm is a sanctuary for this sort of thing.

I do love my tractor. It has 4 wheel drive and cruise control… How can one pour another glass without it… LOL 😀 Here is a photo of my tractor – I wonder if I can get a radio installed:


This is the front lawn…LOL

The House

I guess we all have to unwind somehow but that’s my thing.
Have a great Tuesday and Thanks all for participating 🙂

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All the Best,

Come Join Top Sites Tuesday and be #1 on BlogDumps!

The purpose of this Meme is to encourage
Networking between bloggers to have fun while doing it!
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My Favorite Pet

We have a Solomon Island Skink aka a monkey-tailed skink. He really doesn’t have a name – I think at one time his name was Bob. Here’s Bobs Story:

A few years back, maybe like 7 years ago, Cordy wanted a lizard. So we all loaded up into the SUV and went to the pet store. We were all thinking Gecko or Anole, you know, something small and easy. Then we saw this odd looking lizard in the tank with the Iguanas. Cordy decided that he just HAD to have that particular lizard. The guys at the pet store said the we just needed a simple 10 gallon tank and feed him much like you would an iguana – fruits, veggies, mealworms, and crickets.

So we take home the lizard and all the makings for the habitat we were told he needed. Come to find out, a ten gallon terrarium is totally wrong for this particular type of lizard. They like to climb and hang. In the wild they spend all their time in the trees of the Solomon Islands eating fruits and veggies, not crawling around a small tank. Just like my family, buy the pet then do the research. After about a week of research and wandering from pet store to pet store trying to find the best terrarium for Bob, I walked into the Cabinet shop and looked at this solid oak gun cabinet that I made for a local farmer like a year and a half ago. I came to grips that he would never be picking it up, so there was my lizard cage.

So Cordy really liked Bob, until one day Cordy did something simple… he picked up Bob improperly. Of course Bob bit him. Cordy screamed and when the bite was neosporined and bandaided, he gave me the lizard.

Bob is so cool! He crawls from the bottom to the top of his cage. He swan-dives from the top shelf into his water dish and splashes water everywhere! He hangs up-side-down and eats his food – which he doesn’t care for bugs at all, he only likes fruits and veggies. So I thaw out frozen veggies for him some days and cut up fruit for him other days. He’s the easiest pet I have ever had! He doesn’t require endless attention – he prefers to be left alone to do his own thing. He’s really easy to feed. And best of all, he’s SO COOL!


The pet store told us that Bob wouldn’t get much bigger, he was only about 12 inches long from the tip of head head to the tip of his tail… once again, they were wrong. Bobs probably 32 inches long now and supposed to live for about 20 years!

All the Best,

Come Join Top Sites Tuesday and be #1 on BlogDumps!

The purpose of this Meme is to encourage
Networking between bloggers to have fun while doing it!
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High School Age Limit – New Forum

I wrote about this on one of my blogs “” it turned out to be quite a thread. Many young people don’t know what to do. Some have dropped out and have a ton of questions of what to do so I bought the name and I have installed a forum so people can ask questions and talk to other kids.. An outlet so to speak 🙂

I really felt the calling to do this after replying to so many young people that don’t know what to do and are looking for some positive advice as what to do. I hope this helps and takes off and we get some qualified adults that will jump in and answer some of the questions asked. It is still a work in progress (we did just start building the site) I am adding a chat area for kids to connect and I have already added a Youtube upload area to help make it fun. I am also going to add a photo gallery to it so they can upload photos to their profiles. Of course they will be able to upload an avatar also. I really didn’t need another site to take care of at this time but I think this is needed from what I have seen over the last three years.

So spread the word to all you know to visit

All the best,

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My Favorite Saying

I am not one for puns or quick quips although they do sound good at times.


Many, many years ago I was on a house remodeling job and there were pictures that had to be taken down before my workers could get started. One of the guys came and asked me… You surf what does this mean??? The picture was of a guy who had just taken off on his surfboard on the giant wave at Hawaii’s Banzai Pipeline… The caption below the photo said ” Success is getting up one more time and then you fall” I have never forgotten this!

This is so true for the surfer, he kept trying to just stand up and ride a wave and then after falling many times he finally found himself at the Pipeline… Success! Since I have been a surfer my whole life it was easy for me to relate and I have carried this ever since. 🙂

This saying can be true in everything we do in life. I believe we create our own destiny, it starts when we are young – to the infant success is just that, getting up one more time and then you fall – this continues the rest of our lives. All of us are capable of beating the odds, making changes, and our lives are better if we want them to be. We are blessed living in a place where we can be and do whatever we want to do with our lives. I hope it sticks with all of you and helps you as it has me for all these years of self employment.

Success can be something small and insignificant or larger then life the choice is ours.

"Success is getting up one more time and then you fall"

Have a great Tuesday!


Come Join Top Sites Tuesday and be #1 on BlogDumps!

The purpose of this Meme is to encourage
Networking between bloggers to have fun while doing it!
Make sure to visit all the other participants and leave comments

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Top Sites Tuesday – 3 Things

1. I guess this one is the worst, I fell asleep on the beach on Saturday.
I covered everything but the top of my lily white feet… OUCH! So the top of my feet have turned three different shades of color since Saturday. The doctor gave me some prescription strength cream to put on and it seems to be working.

2. Sunday oh what a great day… Other then the burnt feet I didn’t do anything all day but watch TV and put my feet up. I haven’t done that in a long time. At the end of the day we went out for Mexican food with the grand baby, little Jacob you can see his picture in the previous posts. I love fajitas they are so good! After dinner we watched the movie “Mirrors”… I will never look at a mirror the same, I don’t do scary movies well!

3. I am puppy-sitting a little dachshund, he is so little I think he is a miniature. His name is Oscar and he thinks he is all that. It was hilarious to watch him run around all the wolves and farm dogs like he was the MAN! I guess size doesn’t matter to the little dogs but by the look on Woofy’s face I think he thought Oscar looked like dessert… LOL

Here is a photo of Oscar


Have a great Tuesday!

Come Join Top Sites Tuesday and be #1 on BlogDumps!

The purpose of this Meme is to encourage
Networking between bloggers to have fun while doing it!
Make sure to visit all the other participants and leave comments

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Monday’s You Gatta Lov’em

Why is it that Monday seems to be the hardest one to get started?
Is it because we already know it’s going to be difficult…
So far this Monday hasn’t been bad so I can’t complain, I did want to sleep in though…lol
I went to church again with my new grandson, I was never really a church goer but I wanted to be with the little man so off I went. I have a couple of Photos to share with you. I just have to figure out how to scan them in this fancy printer here at the office and then upload them! I am off to the printer this should be fun…lol

Ok, I made it here they are!

Jacob Barnes


Isn’t he the best!

Have a great week

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Wednesday July 1st !

Is it that Wednesday is in the middle of the week that it seems to go on and on and , well, you get the idea.
It’s almost as bad as CNN Headline News… Didn’t we just see that!?!

I have gone through all the websites cleaned out the forum on blogdumps and dumped all the spammers out…
I see there are a couple of new videos on BlogDumps video.

So Here I am at my desk I don’t want to work on Crap – screw it.

All my sites are running just fine and everybody seems to be happy so I guess I will just have to sit here and clock watch… Oh, come on- you all do it you’re probably reading this at work… lol

Update 3:30pm I just bought a cool domain name — I had to find something fun to do…

Now the big question is what in the heck do I do with a domain called

I guess I’ll come up with something… any Ideas? It has to be something fun though!

Update 3:32 yep still here! Can you believe it’s July 1st already… we have had some weird weather.

Update 3:45 pm Trina has asked me for help… I am off to see what’s up!

–Update 3:46 – Trina just read this post and simply said WTF?

Update 4:40pm Well, that’s the bell I have to get to the post office by 5:00pm

Have a great rest of the week