New post

Wednesday July 1st !

Is it that Wednesday is in the middle of the week that it seems to go on and on and , well, you get the idea.
It’s almost as bad as CNN Headline News… Didn’t we just see that!?!

I have gone through all the websites cleaned out the forum on blogdumps and dumped all the spammers out…
I see there are a couple of new videos on BlogDumps video.

So Here I am at my desk I don’t want to work on Crap – screw it.

All my sites are running just fine and everybody seems to be happy so I guess I will just have to sit here and clock watch… Oh, come on- you all do it you’re probably reading this at work… lol

Update 3:30pm I just bought a cool domain name — I had to find something fun to do…

Now the big question is what in the heck do I do with a domain called

I guess I’ll come up with something… any Ideas? It has to be something fun though!

Update 3:32 yep still here! Can you believe it’s July 1st already… we have had some weird weather.

Update 3:45 pm Trina has asked me for help… I am off to see what’s up!

–Update 3:46 – Trina just read this post and simply said WTF?

Update 4:40pm Well, that’s the bell I have to get to the post office by 5:00pm

Have a great rest of the week