New post Top Sites Tuesday

Two Thoughts

As I sit here gazing out the window from the easy chair this morning I have to wonder what and why our system is so screwy. We have a Jeep in the family a, well, used to be nice one… Rolled,crashed and badly bruised.

No one was hurt but when I talked to the police officer there was a ticket issued for negligent driving. So now you want to know what happened.

My son was coming home from his girl friends house. I told him to be home early, he’s a good kid so he was doing just that. He was on a back country road (one of many in our area) he looked at the radio to see the time and when he looked up a car was going to hit him head-on. So he did what we would all do – swerved and went for the ditch on the side figuring a ditch wouldn’t hurt so bad. That and the jeep being a monster jeep he would have probably ended up driving over them and someone would have been hurt bad. The jeep went up the embankment and flipped over. My son was ok but we sent him to the hospital anyway. So that’s what happened.

Now Thought number two. I asked the not-so-kind officer why he was given a ticket? He replied… “He looked at the radio and didn’t keep his eyes on the road at all times so he was negligent”… But had he hit the other car it would be there fault. (They just left him there and kept going)

So, Hmmmm The clock is on the radio do you think the officer ever looks at his clock or radio? How about speedometers so the next time I get pulled over for a speeding ticket do I just say I didn’t want to be a negligent driver so I didn’t look? What about the driver who has a stick shift and misses a gear – I guess you just grind ’em till you find ’em!

I talked to the insurance company and low and behold they said the same thing and then they asked how fast was he driving… OMG, you have to be kidding like I am going to tell you he looked down at the speedometer too!

The officer told my son it was his honesty that got him the ticket and never tell anyone you took your eyes off the road for any reason. I told the not-so-kind officer if I ever have a situation like this you can bet I will make sure do scrape the whole side of the car that was going to hit me so I can avoid being charged with such a ridiculous ticket and I want to thank him for teaching my son to lie to get out of a ticket. I just don’t get it.

I called yesterday to find out where the vehicle was and the insurance lady said “We thought you had the car.” Then she said “No we have the car.” Then she said “No it is being towed to the collision center tomorrow.” Then she said “Wow this happened last month, this has been a drawn out ordeal! We have cut a check for the damage but we haven’t checked the motor and under carriage the garage has to do that so we will do a supplemental payment if it costs more…”

Sorry, Third thought &%$#$##@@! I replied nicely yes, yes it has been long and drawn out… I will call the collision center tomorrow.

Have a great Tuesday,

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4 replies on “Two Thoughts”

Wow, Wolf…bummer! First, though, glad to hear your son is okay and not physically injured. As for the ticket…what load of codswallop. They really do get you regardless…it’s like the guy in front of you brakes suddenly, real suddenly on an icy road, and nothing you can do prevents you from bumping into the car in front…you get nailed then, too. Only people to “win” are the insurance companies and the fines dept.! Although, the car which nearly hit your son was a winner in the fact that he did all he could to avoid accident and injury to them. Clicks for you, Wolf.

Hi Nancy
Yes, you are right the winners are the insurance and fines collected but what is one to do they have us and not much we can do about it. I too am glad he is ok, the car can be replaced.

Thanks for stopping by

Wolf –

Scary. If your son had been 40 or 50 and in a tie, there’d have been no ticket. Whenever my wife and I pass a car that’s pulled over, I say, “I bet it’s a kid,” and 90% of the time, I’m right. They’re easy makrs and afraid to argue. Are you going to contest it?


Bud aka Older Eyes

Hi Bud
Yes we are, and you are right kids are scared to contest they don’t want to get into trouble and that’s a good thing.
But then they are taken advantage of…


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