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One Cricket, Two Thoughts!

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I really don’t mind the outdoors, I will go camping now and then. I love the wild life and the beauty it all brings.

I worked Yesterday for a good portion of  the morning and then spent the rest of the day fighting my Paid Off tractor trying to get some mowing in before the two weeks of rain set in.

The neighbors cooked some burgers on the grill for the holiday and asked us over… I never turn down food 🙂

All of a sudden it’s dark and I still had work to do on the web! So Off I go and work until I can’t look at the computer anymore.

I laid down to go to sleep… So nice and tired. Would this day finally be over???  Hell no — Chirp, chirp chirp, OMG!

So Two thoughts for the day.

First thought. Since I finally fell asleep how did the little bastard figure it out and move in close to lay into it and go  to town chirping? I have never heard a cricket so loud in my life it sounded as if this was a two foot long cricket!

So I get up and of course had to go, so now I am awake and looking for this cricket… Nope no where in site and not making a noise because the light is on!

So it’s time to jump back in bed and turn the light off. Of course as soon as the light goes off across the room is a small chirp. OK I can deal with that and I try to go back to sleep. OMG this is like a torture of sorts… I start to drift off and here he is back at it right next to me with megaphone in hand…. CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP you get the idea.


Second thought.  It’s 3am and I am really tired now he is singing his cricket song like there is no tomorrow, lights go on and it is time to get out an arsenal of cricket killing juice (safe for the inside of the house when used in the right amounts) So about a gallon later (not to sure that’s the right amount)  and chasing the disappearing chirps, they can get away and hide quick when the light comes on.


So here it is I just fell asleep and the alarm goes off and it’s time to get up.  I am still tired but I have to go so I get up and listen – no chirp not outside or inside.  Do they only chirp at night and sleep all day, no wait I think I heard a small tired chirp… So do I leave the radio on full blast so they can’t sleep today so I can get some rest tonight?

As you can tell by my post we have a really bad cricket season for about three weeks to a month I can’t wait for it to be over. I don’t mind them so much when they are outside but when one gets in… OMG!


Have a great Tuesday


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