Atlantic ICW New post Sailing Top Sites Tuesday

Looking Out My Window, OK Porthole

So we have managed to make it to the Dismal Swamp despite some issues we thought were motor but found out it was crappy gas from the boat dock. A drained tank, a new water separater and a loss of fuel and we are all better so far.

We managed to make it to Hospital Point where we did the draining etc… The Tidewater Marina was fantastic they let us stay on the dock and do our thing for a few hours, no charge… Get it done and we will dispose of the gas at no charge. This brings me to my first thought the boating community always seems to be so helpful when one gets into a jam. Even the guy that runs theDeep Creek lock invited us for coffee and since we are so far away from everything he asked us if we wanted to be driven to Walmart between lock openings, how cool is that!?!

So I have been playing with my new iPad and found a cool app that normally would cost a couple grand all hooked up and working. The app is an “AIS” Automatic Identification System.

This transmits our sailboats information, location, speed, heading, name, destination and emergency contacts. It also receives others information and displays it on the chart. It has a collision alarm and an anchor alarm so if you are at anchor and move from your swing radiusĀ  it sounds like a train whistle. I am still learning all the functions. This brings me to my second thought the app was $9.99 done, installed and working immediately. How in the heck can they justify the cost of the one that does the same thing with less features than the iPad?

All is well and we made it to the Elizabeth dock tied up and we’re watching it rain today… A good day for a movie and an afternoon nap. We will set sail again when the sun shines tomorrow

If you want to check out the AIS and how it works you can go to and put in our MMSI number 338142627 vessel name PT26

Have a great Tuesday

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3 replies on “Looking Out My Window, OK Porthole”

I love finding good apps that work really well and cost so little. Sounds like you have found exactly what you needed. Good luck on your trip.

I am off to work now but first here’s your click ……

Love and Blessings,

Glad to hear it wasn’t something far worse than bad gas.

Isn’t technology great! I use my Ipad for all kinds of things. Nothing as important as a boat moving when it isn’t supposed to be though.

I am going to come back when I have some time to check out that app. Sounds interesting.

Travel safe..catch up with you later.

Click for you!


Wolf –

You need to come up with some places to make your trip sound less like a Dark Shadows episode. I mean really … Dismal Swamp … Hospital Point … Deep Creek lock.

Glad you engine problem turned out to be minor.


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