Government New post Top Sites Tuesday

Two Thoughts on Importing

So I am trying to import some items from China… I know what the heck!?!

If you look at the labels on almost everything it is from China, I never saw this until I started this whole process.

Ok. So you want to know what it is? A wind turbine, yes and it is a big one. I just can’t help it it is a good price and it is the same one they sell in the USA for six times the price… Go figure.

The wind turbine at this price will pay the money back in ten months, not bad.

First thought on this is:
Should I learn Chinese? The emails might be much easier to understand and I could learn something at the same time. A lot gets lost in the translation and I have to ask so many questions that they are probably sick of me by now!

Second thought:

I have never done something like this before and I am scared to death they are going to rip me or something will go wrong and I am waiting for the other shoe to drop!!!

If it all works out though I will start importing them to sell through our company. This is a good product and at the right price (Not gouging people) they will save money in the long run and I will continue to be my same ol’ self employed person… company motto… Larry Darrel and Darrel – anything for a buck! LOL

So I will blog about how this adventure in importing goes – the good, the bad or the down right wonderful, you just new I was going to write ugly… hehehe! Think positive 🙂

Have a great Tuesday!

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