New post

Staying The Winter

Where did the summer go? It seems like yesterday that we arrived home from sailing!
We decided the boat needs some things done before we cruise again, so it will be pulled out of the water. We have decided to stay here on the farm this winter, I know it crazy right?!

My first thought was its going to be a cold winter if we stay. During this past week I mentioned this to some friends, the reply was “you know it’s going to be a bad winter?!?”. Why wouldn’t it be…

Then I was told the farmers almanac says the same thing, go figure.

The last three years we have had mild winters on the farm and cooler ones in the South so I guess we are due for a cold one.   This past weekend was the start of preparing and planning, we will need lots of firewood for sure.  I’m thinking we’ll probably need like 11 cords of wood to make it through the winter and we’ve only got maybe 2 stacked up so far LOL

My second thought is it might be fun, oh no what am I thinking! We will probably make it to mid January and find the nearest airport LOL. That sounds like fun, flying off to somewhere warm. It will be a challenge to see if we can do it!


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New post Top Sites Tuesday Work

Please stay off the stairs!

This year, like some years in the past, we are doing more stairs. I don’t mind it, when we get finished it it very satisfying. This week we are finishing a set of them. Trina and I were talking how the home owner is your worst enemy when it comes to someone walking on the stairs before they are done and leaving footprints. About the same time the owner came into the new house. We both explained how important it was to stay off of them.
My first thought was “this guy understands and will stay off of them”.

I think new stairs attract people to them like a magnet. They walk in and must say to themselves, “how nice, they look dry to me” and up the stairs the go walking on the cardboard sign as they go up.
Well it happened again….. Yes there was a sign and all precautions were taken. This is when we left:20130827-071632.jpg

Small bare feet and tennis shoes, I should say sweaty bare feet the worst kind to be walking on the stairs before a seal coat is applied. This is what we came back to:


My second thought is there is no way to stop this from happening, so I try to get the prints out even going as far as faux painting the grain over the prints. For the most part they can’t be seen but I know where to look so I see them anyway.

The new home owner is a police man. I showed him the photos and he wanted a copy so he could watch people’s footprints. I’m kinda glad I’m the one doing the stairs and not the one being tracked down!

Have a great Tuesday

PS:  My Third thought today, this picture explains it all – Will Smith and Family watching Miley Cyrus at the VMA’s

will smith vma



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Farm Food New post

Silly Chickins

I’m sure I wrote about getting chickens here on the farm. Well we did get them and they have been very productive.

We didn’t know what to name the rooster, yes he has a name lol The nice lady that rents the house with her husband said when we brought them home “Look at the rooster, strutting around all cocky like he owns the place… We should name him Kenny”. We all laughed (that’s her husbands name) lol then she said ” it can be Kenny and his Bitches”, I thought we would all die laughing.

As I got up and headed out to feed them this morning Kenny is crowing and the girls are all waiting for me. My first thought is I wonder if other people that have chickens can go for a walk with theirs? Yes I can open the gate and let them out and they will go for a walk and come back with me, silly chickens. They will follow me everywhere, if I leave the shop door open I’m sure they would come in and just hang out, it’s not what I expected.

Walking the Chickens

The weather has changed here and that brings me to my second thought… What to do about heat for them this winter? I really don’t want to get rid of them I need a small coup to put a heat lamp or something to keep them warm. With the weather change so fast it won’t be long and it’s going to get cold. It has already been in the high fifties a couple nights.

Have a great Tuesday

New post

Sailing to Work

I’ve never been so excited to take on a remodel job. The job is right around the corner from a marina, so we’ll be sailing the boat from Cambridge, Maryland, to Nanticoke, Maryland.

First thought: I can’t wait to finish the job we’re on so we can move on to the remodel. I ‘m ready for an adventure!

Second thought: it’s hard to believe how things work out. We need to take the boat up the Nanticoke river to Seaford, Delaware, so she can be hauled out for the winter. This job is perfect, it’s at the mouth of the river, on the way there!

Happy Tuesday!

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Cars Of Mass Destruction

We have heard about it before, a car that plows through a crowd and hurts and kills some people.
As you know we don’t have a TV, well on land. But every now and then I use my iPad and read USA Today. I try to keep up with what’s going on in the world around us.
Well it happened again and this time the man drove through a crowd in Venice Beach, California, and killed a woman from Italy on her honeymoon. My first thought is what in the heck is wrong with people? And everyone tells us not to leave the USA!?

It made me curious as to what the heck is it that makes Americans go off the deep end and want to hurt others.
So I did a search for some statistics, there is a mass killing every two weeks on average. Now that only counts if you kill 4 or more people. All the others like the shooting at the town hall meeting in Pennsylvania don’t count he “only” killed 3 but injured many more. I wonder if some of these nut jobs are trying to out do the other nut jobs? So the killings don’t always make the front page or aren’t talked about for long because well they don’t count, at least that’s the way I read it.

My second thought is holy crap, there are so many people going nuts out there! I spoke to a man the other day about an fight he was in, he was Coast Guard and the other guy was Army. They had laughed and joked over drinks all night like the best of friends, then an Army joke was made and the guy lost it beat him so bad it was as if he had a full stroke… Really? Has our society decided to be this fast to become violent?

I have a permit to carry a concealed gun and I don’t for the most part, I never felt the need to be armed all the time. After reading and seeing all of what has been happening I carry more often now. I do not want to end up in a situation helpless and can’t protect my wife, son, or grand kid from some nut job… Not happening.

It’s not the guns because knives, cars and any other method that can be used as we have seen over the last year will be. I don’t remember who said it yesterday on the news but it was said that if every American had a gun we could get rid of the police department and save a trillion dollars…? I don’t think so, please people no police? I don’t even want to imagine that.

Have a great Tuesday

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Chesapeake Bay New post

Overnight Fun!

Yesterday we finished up early, we have been working pretty hard lately.
My first thought was what the heck we can jump on the boat and head to our favorite anchoredge!


So off we went yesterday afternoon, it was so nice out. Chips and a few beers on the way.
The place we head to is usually crowded during these months, yes they were all there too.
As we arrived we headed to our own little spot where no one knows it is ok to anchor here.


My second thought as I woke up this morning… There is nothing like being rocked to sleep and waking to a beautiful sunrise!


I told Trina “we could just keep going!” She laughed and said we need to head back we have work to do.

Have a great Tuesday!

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New post Work

Accepting Responacbility

Is craftsmanship a dying trade? It seems as though now-a-days we just go buy what we need, we don’t have one made. Is it simplicity or craftsmanship?

I have had the opportunity to go through and have to fix a 3500 sq ft house. The Sheetrock was a mess, the paint was everywhere- runs, paint splatter on trim, paint on the new hardwood floor, roller lines across the corners of one color to the next. The wood was not flush everywhere and some of the painted pieces had no caulk. Doors trim left with holes unfilled.

This was an incredible thing to accomplish… An upset new home owner and a builder that says she wants no one back but you and Trina, can you fix the whole house and make her happy.
Ha ha I said “she will love me when I’m gone…” You know I think that might be a song.

My first thought was holy crap I have to deliver, this house has twenty or so foot high ceilings! Dormers and light from every direction! And it’s a mess to boot!!!





So here it is 8 days later and I get a text, she loves the job praises us. I sent a winky face back hehehe
My second thought is what the heck it’s not that hard to care and do a good job, I was told the others tried five times… As far as I know there are few younger guys that seem to try hard and want to learn, most others have a that’s good enough attitude.

I can’t imagine trying to run a cabinet shop again and full time home building business. I believe it would be hard to fill with qualified people. Or should I say qualified that care about their work.
The worst thing about this job is every trade blamed the other for the mess no one would take responsibility, shameless!

Have a great Tuesday

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