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Cars Of Mass Destruction

We have heard about it before, a car that plows through a crowd and hurts and kills some people.
As you know we don’t have a TV, well on land. But every now and then I use my iPad and read USA Today. I try to keep up with what’s going on in the world around us.
Well it happened again and this time the man drove through a crowd in Venice Beach, California, and killed a woman from Italy on her honeymoon. My first thought is what in the heck is wrong with people? And everyone tells us not to leave the USA!?

It made me curious as to what the heck is it that makes Americans go off the deep end and want to hurt others.
So I did a search for some statistics, there is a mass killing every two weeks on average. Now that only counts if you kill 4 or more people. All the others like the shooting at the town hall meeting in Pennsylvania don’t count he “only” killed 3 but injured many more. I wonder if some of these nut jobs are trying to out do the other nut jobs? So the killings don’t always make the front page or aren’t talked about for long because well they don’t count, at least that’s the way I read it.

My second thought is holy crap, there are so many people going nuts out there! I spoke to a man the other day about an fight he was in, he was Coast Guard and the other guy was Army. They had laughed and joked over drinks all night like the best of friends, then an Army joke was made and the guy lost it beat him so bad it was as if he had a full stroke… Really? Has our society decided to be this fast to become violent?

I have a permit to carry a concealed gun and I don’t for the most part, I never felt the need to be armed all the time. After reading and seeing all of what has been happening I carry more often now. I do not want to end up in a situation helpless and can’t protect my wife, son, or grand kid from some nut job… Not happening.

It’s not the guns because knives, cars and any other method that can be used as we have seen over the last year will be. I don’t remember who said it yesterday on the news but it was said that if every American had a gun we could get rid of the police department and save a trillion dollars…? I don’t think so, please people no police? I don’t even want to imagine that.

Have a great Tuesday

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4 replies on “Cars Of Mass Destruction”

I know what you mean!!! Everytime I check the news (whether it be on TV or on the Internet), it seems there is just more and more violence. I dunno…is it really that there is more violence or is it that news media is just more accessible and/or tends to focus more on these things instead of on more positive, light-hearted, or inspiring stories? Pretty scary sometimes and makes you feel like everyone you know is about to go berserk!

And if I might add, what happened to simply following the rules? It seems like everywhere, there is someone crusading to change a law or rule. Even private organizations can’t have their own private rules because someone who can’t get in the private organization wants to complain about constitutionality of “private” organizations’ rules. Gets on my nerves sometimes…

Oh well! Hope you guys have a great rest of the week! Just enjoy the summer and avoid the news…lol!

You are so right about what seems to be steadily increasing instances of breakdowns. Maybe Liggy is right as well that the media pounces on them and it becomes more reported. Either way, I don’t understand why so many people are going bonkers and taking out other people.

Part of it is probably the stress of today’s lifestyles. People are living outside their means, having trouble earning enough to bring them the lifestyle they desire, and prosperity seems out of their reach….then you add the decisivness in politics and such. So many people are just so unhappy.

I read an article at some point that said more than half the country was now on anti-depressive drugs. Even that is scary. These drugs might stableize the moods for some but for others it makes them aggitated and causes irrational thinking.

I worry about the direction we are headed but try to remember all the really good people that remain and are committed to living good ethical lives,

Very thought provoking, Wolf. Have a great week.



Hi Liggy

Thanks for dropping by, I hear ya!
I want to hear some good or funny stuff once in awhile.

Hi Cheryl
I never thought about people so unhappy and on the drugs.
Mind altering drugs, hmmmm could be an issue for sure.
Have a great week!


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