New post

Two Thoughts

Funny thing, I usually am able to pull a post out of thin air… As I get up today I am thinking so hard for a post I am lost.

So I checked in with all the kids via Facebook, I guess that could be a thought 🙂
Now if you want to message someone through FB you can leave a voice mail. Doesn’t it seem as though its getting to be a “you heard it first on FB” society.

My thought on this is – FB is gobbling up more than everyone thinks. Can you imagine having a database of everyone? Their likes, dislikes, photos, conversations and more! FB got everyone to give up their information voluntarily. I know if the government asked us to do this we would all say “No”
My first thought is, so what makes us all want to share so much on FB?
I do ” Like” the service FB provides… Whole new thought to the word like, right? They have tried hard to make FB available, easy to use and have succeeded.

FB is even getting into the phone business… Is this where we are headed? Instead of a phone number we will just click on their profile and talk or text ? Will the phone book change to a FB search for business pages? I know I am reaching here but you do remember the Dick Tracy watch?

So did you see the video on the giant hurricane stuck on the North Pole of Saturn that’s 1200 miles wide? No? It looks as though they made it up. Where am I going with this you say? I have no clue but it was on the news… I mean FB!
This is the only link I could find to it… Holy crap, that’s a hurricane!

As technology advances it will be fun to see where all this is headed

Have a good Tuesday



Join Top Sites Tuesday and be #1 on BlogDumps!
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Farm Food Top Sites Tuesday

Two Thoughts For Tuesday

Sometimes it gets fun around here while we are working.
We were all in the back field Sunday afternoon, planting, working the dirt and putting in marker steaks. It was a bit cold but nice enough out.

My first thought when my buddy said we should hook up the disk to the Rock Crawler Jeep was… Holy crap this will be fun!
Off we went to get the parts and the Jeep. We got a few looks like” what are those two up to?” lol
After it was hooked up Buddy said jump in and go for a ride… We laughed and carried on as we threw dirt everywhere with the radio blasting!
After a few runs around the field I mentioned to Buddy that the disk was like a sea anchor and if he were to floor it, the disk would keep the rear of the Jeep straight. Buddy said  “you think so?”
Me… “Of course you could floor it and it would be fine, just go for it.”
So he did and the dirt was flying, the radio blasting with the heat on. The next thing we see is Trina looking at us as if we were crazy with camera in hand. We definitely received a few funny looks as we continued to have fun on our home grown tractor pull!



My second thought was who said farming can’t be fun? Even though we were goofing off we still managed to get more planted before it rained.


Join Top Sites Tuesday and be #1 on BlogDumps!
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Networking between bloggers and to have fun while doing it!
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As I get up this morning I feel it’s going to be a good day…
The sun has come up, the birds are singing, crows are yakking at each other across the fields. It’s going to be 80 degrees today. This temperature will really help make it nice.

My first thought is I know I am forgetting to do something… Don’t you just hate that?

It seems as thought this happens to me due to a deadline a time when such task must be completed. I was sitting on the couch and kept looking at the clock… Wouldn’t you know it I did it again!

I scrambled for the phone the deadline is at 10:00 am it’s 9:52 am , holy crap! The plan was to call about our advertising to the local paper yesterday but it didn’t happen. Nothing like having the mind of an elephant, yep that’s me!

We spent the last eight minutes calling to make the deadline but of course the line was busy until 9:59 am then the nice lady calmly says good morning Sussex Printing… As if no hurry or care in the world she finished the call a few minutes after 10:00.

My second though here on Tuesday is OMG the last fifteen minutes before the deadline must be terrible. I know I’m not the only one. I wonder how many panicked people they serve in this fifteen minute period. What about the guy who doesn’t know what he really wants? I heard the other operator tell another person “you could do it like that sir”. I don’t feel so bad I just re ran the existing ads, it would be hard to make changes in 4 minutes!

Have a great day!

Join Top Sites Tuesday and be #1 on BlogDumps!
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Networking between bloggers and to have fun while doing it!
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Farm New post Top Sites Tuesday

Two Thoughts

Life is funny, when we were sailing it was easy to jump up at dawn and go again. Now that we are home and there are things to do everywhere I find I don’t want to get out of my comfy bed in the morning. The roaring wood stove warming the house that has a slight spring chill, oh I missed this- hmmm so comfy!

My first thought when I got up this morning was, crap I have a couple jobs to look at, the field is tilled and needs planting and oh the gourds from last year need to be washed and Put in the sun to finish drying. Crap the tractor needs work… Then Trina said don’t forget we talked about a BlogDumps overhaul, we need some changes to the site!

My second thought was we’ve only been home a week and here we go again. It looks like it could be a busy spring and summer in all aspects of life.  This year we are growing Lima Beans, Yellow Squash, Spinach, Zucchini, Green Beans, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Green Onions, and an assortment of Herbs.  Farming this year will be interesting with all the varieties of vegetables and herbs, this will be the largest crop of more then one type ever… Yikes… I hope we can pull it off!

I’m a little late posting today, I could tell you I had to go to the job early but the truth is I slept until the last moment and then ran to the job. I am going to have a talk with myself about this laziness, better yet I could just fire myself and go back to the boat lol

It feels strange to be gone for 5 months, then step right back into the madness of work and children. It’s good to be home.

Snowy Farm Entrance
The entrance to the farm on the day we got home, the snow waited for us.
Screaming Monster faced kid
Oh Lord!
GK hanging out with Graddad
John Deere tractor on the Farm
Time to work the field.

Have a great Tuesday

Join Top Sites Tuesday and be #1 on BlogDumps!
The purpose of this Meme is to encourage
Networking between bloggers and to have fun while doing it!
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New post Sailing


If I have learned nothing else on this trip at least I have learned to appreciate what I have. Not material things, life itself, a wonderful wife, great kids, even a grandson and my bloggy friends. I have learned to simplify my life and I am learning more and more that less is best.

I am not saying I am going to get rid of everything I have but to enjoy what I have. My first thought use to be I want it all and I want it now! Am I just getting older or am I just getting it? I use to strive to have the best of everything, the biggest.

Things have changed I don’t need these things to be happy. I am content with what I have and who I am. Acceptance is a tough word but a good one its followed by peace and it is followed by love, love for others and everything around us all.


My second thought is it only took three years of cruising to figure this out! Sometimes I think we all take so much for granite, we all have so much and we have much to give and share, to be there for someone in need. I have no idea where this new mind set is leading me but as I have done all my life I will just follow the path laid out before me.

I was asked once ” How could you just get on your boat and just go with no real plan or destination?

I replied “Blind Faith, it all works out and becomes an amazing adventure.”
So here we are back in Vero Beach swinging on a mooring ball, the dinghy has become our car to shore again. It’s time to go walk around and see what’s here and explore.

Join Top Sites Tuesday and be #1 on BlogDumps!
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Networking between bloggers and to have fun while doing it!
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Atlantic ICW New post Sailing Top Sites Tuesday

Tuesday’s Two Thoughts

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Its hard to only express two thoughts today. I have so much on my mind, I know you find that hard to believe…lol!

I have missed posting on our trip south for some days now. All is well and we are in South Carolina, it has been very adventures and fun. So many things to see and so many navigational hazards – one cannot take things lightly on this trip.

This brings me to my first thought. We traveled through an area today that back in the eighteen hundreds they blasted the rock to connect the ICW here in South Carolina, the only issue is they did not clear out all the rock so they call this the rock pile… Many boats have been lost here to unseen rocks and the narrow channel. One must make a security call to make sure there is not another vessel coming the opposite direction because you cannot pass in this area. I was glad we made it through just fine and we were able to get in and get tied up before this big cold front comes through tonight just south of Myrtle Beach SC.

My second thought of today is, I received a call from one of my Sensais that my other Sensai had passed away yesterday. He was my Sensai for 12 years. Why is it that the good guys – some of the finest – have to be the ones that get hit the hardest. He was the man, not only just in the martial arts way, he was there for everyone teaching football at the local high school, the girls softball team, and held a karate class for twenty years or more and he was a great family man. It’s hard to understand at times. As I wrote earlier on my Facebook wall…

You taught me respect, you taught me how to be humble and compassionate towards others and to show them a better way. I learned how to accept constructive criticism and grow to be a better person. I am so glad I was your friend and even more you were my teacher- My Sensai. You will be dearly missed by us all… Rest in peace Sensai Sheets.


Come Join Top Sites Tuesday and be #1 on BlogDumps!

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Networking between bloggers and to have fun while doing it!
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What’s New With Wolfbernz

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Nothing and that’s the best part of today. I am done with starting any new personal projects for this year and I am glad… this last project was a doozy to say the least. If you have been reading my last few posts then you know about the sailboat project.

So I found myself sleeping in a bit this  brisk windy morning. The tress and what is left to harvest in the fields blowing in the wind.  Since I finished this weeks work early and just have a few simple web design things to do  today, I didn’t see a need to continue the fast pace that has ensued this last month.

I tried to find out what was up on the Gaddafi thing that was all the rave on Google this morning but forgot that Google’s real time search is kinda sucky these last few months. The web has turned into instant real time  information these days and they don’t seem to be keeping up. So for people like me who don’t watch TV  –  I don’t even have one, OK hard to believe but I never seem to have the time to just sit and watch mindless TV.  I get my news on the web and off I go to do my daily thing.

It turned out to be a nice day.  sunny but a bit windy but just nice.  Trina and I went and recycled some batteries and then  went to Kohls so she could do a little shopping.  The best part was the stop for fresh coffee on  the way there.

We enjoyed the rest afternoon and just for fun we went to Texas Road House for the early bird dinner… Yummy to say the least.  I love the rolls and butter ! Do you have a favorite restaurant?

Sometimes it’s good to just take it easy :}
