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Link exchange and it’s importance

I have read on some blogs that people do not do Memes and Tagging.

Now the difference is a Meme is usually a weekly theme that comes from one website or blog and other bloggers participate and have fun leaving comments on each others blog. This is one of the best ways to get new readers and gain rank in Technorati and definitely helps with the search engines finding your blog and showing more links to your blog thus increasing your page rank. Now there are many other factors that increase your page rank but that’s another blog post!

I don’t know why bloggers have chosen not to do this as much anymore, I guess most are using Twitter etc.
But there is one thing to remember – Twitter does not give you a real back-link to your blog, older Tweets are no longer available so your link is gone. Twitter will bring you traffic but I call it traffic of the moment because there are so many Tweets you get lost in the madness. I still say if you really want to get your blog going make friends leave relevant comments ( not just -Great post) to other bloggers posts so the are approved and get a link back to your blog. Find blogs with good page ranks and become a regular visitor.

Tagging is where you are tagged by a fellow blogger and you add your name to the list and pass on the tag. Now the tag could be about anything (ie five of your favorite things etc…) There have been tags that have had a ton of people join and you get a link from each if you are in the beginning of the Tag. This can be fun also but make sure you Tag someone you know will do the tag because it will just stop there if they don’t participate.

I guess the point here is to network, everyone is always trying to find a new way to get readers and their blog on the map so to speak and I have found that being positive friendly and networking is the best way to go. One more thing is to join a few Blog Directories, BlogDumps is one, Blog Catalog is a good one and there are many more out there. These are just as important, people more and more each day are looking at blogs for information on a particular subject and it will help you to be found easier if they are looking in a directory.

I know not everyone blogs for money and most really don’t care but we bloggers all love comments and visitors that want to participate and be an active part of our blog, so be active and you will find you will receive an abundance in return.


One reply on “Link exchange and it’s importance”

Great post! (haha, just copied what you said…)

Actually those are very good points you covered. It’s very easy to tell who comes by your blog just for visibility and those who come by and actually read your content. Personally I just blog because I like to write and share all these thoughts with others.

I like the memes we have at Blogdumps because we attract people who take the time to read our posts and give us their inputs. Out of all the blog communities I’ve joined, this is the only group that I feel like I can personally relate to – even with such variations in our backgrounds and writing styles. It’s like we’re building a bridge between cultures (and people in general). That’s kind of how I feel about the value of “good” blogging. Good bloggers keep that bridge of communication going so that people all over the world can have insights into how others are thinking. Good bloggers also put some real content on their page and not overload their sites with affiliate marketing or PPC ads that sometimes overshadow the blog itself.

I also participate in BlogCatalog to find other readers and writers. I join in a few of their discussions every once in awhile but I sometimes feel like the discussions can be likened to “small talk” . Even with rules that have been set up not to use the discussion areas for blog promotion, a lot of people still do. And sadly, I find that a lot of the members who do visit my page write back asking me to “click” or “kiss” their ads in return for their visit. That’s not why I joined. I feel lucky when a serious writer visits my blog and decides to make a repeat visit. I feel even luckier when I get a comment that lets me know they actually did read my post.


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