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I am amazed

I ride around getting material for jobs or we are on our way to the parts store and the traffic up and down the coast is very heavy. Among them are campers and Motor Homes, loaded with bikes and surfboards – people on their way to this area “The Delmarva Peninsula.” The people here for the most part are not doing the greatest economically as they were five years ago in this area but things sure don’t seem to look bad. A lot of people are still driving the gas guzzling forty thousand dollar truck, SUV or something nice around town. People are having their boats fixed, new motors, on the water having fun.

All this takes money to do. My first thought is some have been hurt in this economy and some have been hit worse than others. I think the reason is not being able to have the ability to change and adapt to where this generation spends their money. ( Buying gas for your tractor on FB’s Farmville game) Really Virtual Gas!!!

For example I am riding down the road and I see a blue tarp on a house – but in the driveway is a brand new sport fisherman flat bottom etc… Don’t touch it he just had it waxed!

So what I have learned is he doesn’t want his house fixed the tarp will do for now but he will fix his boat (marina Rates: $95.00 per man hour) and keep it perfect. So why chase after the roof job! Adapt and fix boats at a lesser rate and get lots of work. So far it seems to be working out.

Another example: Looking at a window job. Guy with a shirt off, beer belly hanging – “This here’s my wife” – They want all the windows replaced on their cedar sided house – not replacement windows either, “New Windows.” Cut the siding, install and then trim. He says “we did all the inside ourselves” (Yes, I can Tell) “I would do the windows but I just don’t have the time” The wife rolls her eyes! He then says “We have been working on this for two months and have had 12 people out to look at it…” He forgot to add in “…and we are just waiting for some hungry poor soul of a contractor to come along.” Instead he said “we are just trying to get a good price.”
After we finish looking at the job we get to visit the nice parrot, listen about his hot rod all fixed up in the garage and how much he spent on doing the restoration. Rotten house, nice hot rod Hmmmm?

So many people I see that still get a check and have disposable income but can’t save and invest. Nice cars, Boats, Hot Rods. We just had a Jeep show here at the beach – if the economy is as bad as they say then where does everyone get the money to spend at these events or on their cars?

Right now people are not going to buy and do things the way we did ten years ago…

Example. Worker hubby and wife lives in a nice neighborhood with two kids renting a house. Mommy says “Why the hell would I want a house, you’re talking Real Estate closing cost, TAXES and then I have to maintain the bitch – Why would I do that? This place has a problem I call the landlord and he fixes it. It’s cheaper in the long run” My second thought – has our young lost interest in investing in the future, in their future? I hear this more and more among them. Things are ever evolving with the younger generation but I didn’t think I would hear this.

I don’t see an end to the problem for some time for those of us in construction and real estate. Things that can become an elective (it never used to be) something that requires the needs of a professional has gone to the wayside.

Being self employed my whole life has not been as easy as some think, not loosing has been a real challenge. First faith – it will happen, adapt and overcome give the public what it wants.


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2 replies on “I am amazed”

I could write a book on what you were saying in your post. When I got my real estate license in 1986, people were optomistic when buying a house. They knew if they took care of it, improved it, they had the potential of making money. Substantial money. No longer do people feel that real estate is a good investment. They want it cheap and don’t want to deal with maintenance at all. Owners of homes treat their houses like it is a rental. If something breaks, too bad. I have two neighbors across the street that are letting their homes deteriorate around them.

I also, don’t understand why so many laws that negatively effect the purchase of real estate (esp. rules dealing with FFA loans) are continually getting more stringent and buyer unfriendly. I think people need to be good credit risks but they shouldn’t have to produce every piece of paper four or five times, be asked to jump through unrealistic hoops, and treated like crap. Do banks and the government entities not get that the ecomomy can’t thrive if the housing market is DOA. That also impacts dozens of other industries such as yours.

I am past the point of fed up. How bout you?

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