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Deep Creek Lock To Hampton VA.

So we made it, we are at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, I almost can’t believe it myself. We are tied to the docks here at Hampton and plan to leave out at six am into the Chesapeake Bay. The weather is supposed to be in our favor according to the weather man… LOL So I guess I should get out my foul weather gear!!!

We entered the lock early this morning and then headed north on the Elizabeth River going under bridges waiting for others to raise so we could pass. At one point we had to just drift around for almost an hour before they would open the bridge.

One of the most exciting events of the day was dodging the big container ships. The Norfolk area is a very busy port full of ships, navy and many personal boats.

This brings me to my first thought… I have been told that the container ships loose one or two of those big containers now and then and to be very careful because they may be heavy but they still float just below the water. I don’t know how you feel about this but I could not even begin to imagine running into such a thing on the water! I would hope they would report such a disaster fast to mariners with the gps location.

My second thought is I can’t wait to get out into some open water and not worry about channel markers and which creek or river we should be going through, Just sailing away and no worries of what might be coming around the next bend in the river like this morning when the ship and tugs met us at a turn and was taking up the whole river! Just a couple more days across the bay and we will be home after six months and two thousand plus miles 🙂

Have a great Tuesday

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2 replies on “Deep Creek Lock To Hampton VA.”

Sailing, obviously, isn’t for the faint of heart. The thought of being close to bigger ships/barges/boats….whatever, sounds terrifying to me. I white knuckle the steering wheel when I have a semi next to me on the road and I don’t have the added worry that there is some hidden danger beneath me. Yikes, I am truly a landlubber.

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