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No more irons in the fire!

As I look out across the pumpkins growing in the fields this morning I realize how lucky I am I have not had to water them once. Last year I was watering every day. Where did I find the time, oh yea at night!

I have decided that enough is enough and I am not taking on any more projects.

I finished the sailboat that was skewered by the tree, all boats but mine will be finished and gone by Wednesday morning, oh what a feeling.

We have one simple website to build for a really nice guy who will be happy with whatever he gets.

My first thought is I am going to just stick to fixing a few houses and work on a few new ones and that’s it, well that and finish my boat and working in the garden.

I am super close to having restored my 1968 Alumacraft Alpex Sea Aira

20130709-073048.jpg I just need to build out the inside and hang the motor.

My second thought is we have been offered a quality control job for a larger building company. We get to do the punch list and go to the jobs and pick apart the other trades’ work. This works for me… Set our own hours, go to work early and come home early, relax and tinker 🙂

I really thought I would never get to this point but I can’t keep running 24-7, I am in good shape from it though.

I really liked that I was able to say the other day… Sorry ma’am I am just here to fix the issue at hand you will have to call their office and let them know there is more to be done.

You will even notice we decided to go back to the basics even on BlogDumps, it’s a blog dump all the extras had to keep updating consistently to fit the next browser update, well no need. The site is much cleaner and simple for the user (and for me right now)


Join Top Sites Tuesday and be #1 on BlogDumps!
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Gun Shows

We took off and went to the large gun show they have north of Baltimore. Now, just so you all know, I am not a gun fanatic or hunter of sort, I target shoot, take out a varmint on the farm and have a conceal carry license. I was on a mission I needed some ammo which has all but disappeared.
I really didn’t need any thing special some .22 some .32 auto, a holster and a few rounds for my squirrel gun.



I call this my squirrel gun because if he goes to the other side of the tree I can still get him lol

So we arrived at the show after a two hour drive and made it to the front of the line, yes there was a line to get in. I quickly hit all the ammo tables no .22 or .32 sorry can’t get it or I heard “sold out yesterday”. I asked how much the .22 sold for, lol it sold for five times the normal price. I did find one guy that had the .32 auto but just a few boxes, I thought I might take out another mortgage to buy an extra box! The kicker here is I could buy all the .50 BMG ammo I could carry, it just doesn’t make sense.


My first thought was what the heck is happening no ammo for a .22 and one hundred dollars for a box that was twenty dollars? I roamed around and found that large ammo for my squirrel gun was plentiful and the same price as ten years ago… Four dollars a shot. I don’t squirrel hunt very often!

The show was almost disappointing there was not much there, I did get a nice new conceal carry vest light weight for summer. It seemed as though the merchants were playing on some scare that there will be nothing to buy in the future… Hmmmm

On our way home we stopped at the Bass Pro store. There was a lot of items there that were much cheaper and it didn’t cost seven bucks to get in. Still no .22 ammo though?

It was a fun trip with some good friends nonetheless.



A few weeks ago I was at the doctor because I cut my finger, I really needed stitches but I rapped it in a paper towel and of course duct tape so I could finish the job. I arrived at doc’s place I had found some real bandages by then he said it looks like it will do just fine but you need a tetanus shot. Yuck I hate shots! So we are all done, then I remembered and said what about the shot. The doc told me I gave you a prescription for it they will give it to you at the pharmacy.


He then told me there is a shortage on injectable medicines, not just some but most, even for the  cancer patients.

Off I go to the pharmacy to get my shot. The nice lady explained to me sorry sir we do not have it, we can try to order it. My second thought was what the heck is going on, you only get so long before there is no reason to even take the shot!

I wonder about all the shortages on the things we need in our daily lives. I hear  this at the lumber store… “Sorry cant get that!” What the heck?!? Everyone is out of work but we need more of the products we use in our daily lives so what gives, hire some people and get some needed medicines and products to the public.

Have a great Tuesday

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Jimmy Hoffa…

I was reading my USA Today app on the I pad and there is a new tip… Yes Anthony J Zerilli recently published a “manuscript” hmmmmm I’m thinking he wants a movie deal. He has told the FBI that they hit Jimmy, the former Teamsters union president, with a shovel and buried him alive.

The mobsters kidnapped him from a restaurant.

He may be a “credible source” or not but Zerilli is the son of a Detroit mob boss.

My first thought when I read this was who cares, really? If they find him all the Jimmy Hoffa jokes will just get buried in the archives! It must be one of the longest running jokes. If this guy knew all this why wait so long to tell the truth and tip the FBI with a lawyer involved. I really think he just want the publicity, it seems to be the thing with criminals.



As the rooster crows this morning and the sun comes up I just wonder where our priorities in this country are headed… We are going to spend money to try and find Hoffa one more time digging around on yet another tip?

And here we go again with the arming of rebels in Syria!? Really we are fighting them in two other countries close by an now we are arming them in Syria.

My second thought is, why? I just don’t understand why we have to get involved in everyone else’s business. Can’t we just let them work out their issues, we do have plenty of our own we could work on.

Farm Food New post


I am sure I have mentioned we are growing vegetables here on the farm. The spinach and kale have been ready for a couple weeks.  Oh what to do with enough spinach and kale to feed a small army?

Since we have been busy I said” let’s do what we said and feed some hungry people!” Trina agreed, so I get on the phone and start looking for soup kitchens. OMG, who would have thought it could be so difficult… One place told me… ” no sir we don’t have a soup kitchen but if you are giving it away just bring it by” no thanks I’m trying to feed some hungry people that need the food today.

I called another and they all answer the same.” Hello such and such company how can I direct your call? Please Hold for miss selfish. ” This time was crazy!

” Hi this is miss selfish”,

me “are you a soup kitchen?”

“oh yes, we put on a dinner each Saturday but the guy in charge of that isn’t in. So you have spinach and kale you want to give away?”

Me,” yes ”

Miss Selfish. “Well stop by the office here and I’m sure the girls and I will take a few bags then you can go over to the warehouse, there are guys that work in there, you know where it is?”

Me, “yes”

Miss Selfish continues…” They will take some and the rest we will put in the food pantry refrigerator.”


Then she says” what time will you be by? I go to lunch around noon…”

My first thought was OMG no wonder they have a “will work for food sign” the greedy bitch ate all the food!

So anyway I kept trying and after a couple hours, and five hundred Hail Marys, I found a real, live soup kitchen –  they feed twelve hundred people a month! I was super happy so Trina and I picked and picked we ended up with forty large bags of spinach and kale.

It was a bit of a ride but it was cool we are off to do what we said we wanted to do. We arrived to some happy faces, they did not know we were coming. I had spoken to the Little SIster of Jesus and Mary outreach who told me about them. My next thought was ok that was a couple rows now what?
I called around and I came up with nothing, nada, zip… My third thought was I can’t stand these organizations they just aren’t right.

Then I remembered the place we dropped off the food, I’ll call them.
It worked out great he told me of a Christian crisis center where they will take in  families, homeless etc… I called them and a Mr. Barnes answered, he said they would love some fresh food! Its a real center not this fake corporate crap. You can only stay three days. They feed fifty people a day. Our first delivery was 38 bags, I hope they liked it ’cause I’m coming back with more!
I learned something since doing this, I thought I would be happy…
Nope as we drove away I said to Trina ” I really wish I could do more”

Have a great Tuesday



New post Work

Work Ethics

Since I have been home among the other things we do, we work for a home builder doing the final punch list. Or whatever he needs done to finish the house and go to closing.

I noticed we get there around seven thirty or eight on the job. We roll out get set up and start working. About ten thirty here come all the trades to work… Really?

As the day progresses noon comes along and they all sit down to lunch!

At three in the afternoon they all pack up and they are done for the day.

On one of the jobs the home owner was complaining they were months behind. My first thought was yea no workers on the job for more than five or six hours and they all talk all day no wonder.

I don’t know if I mentioned that I finished a very beautiful set of stairs a couple weeks back.

Since then the poor lady of this house has had to tell everyone else to “please just get your job done.” She went as far as to put blue tape on all the spots she thought needed touching up. That’s ok on a wall, paint is easy. Well…. I told them to stay off the stairs for three days. Trina said you worry too much they will be fine there is a sign that says keep off. I explained the home owner is our worst enemy now, they feel it’s their house and if it feels dry they will walk on it.

We finished on a Friday no body should have even been there, but NO the home owner said it felt dry so they walked all over it and put blue tape where they thought there was a spot. ( not cured yet) so the house clean up crew went through pulled up the tape and the finish with it.

I was on my way home from another house that I would be embarrassed of if I built. The workers were the same show up at 11 leave at 3:30 and man does it show. I spent four days fixing the mess as best as possible. Doesn’t anybody care about the work they do and have some pride left?

So we are on our way home, I had fixed the stairs to what I thought was fine. The owner decided she wanted it to look like it never happened. This is in the middle of the floor on the main landing. I said ok I will stop by… I sanded took out the obvious tape mark Down to bare wood right in the middle of the floor, the whole time thinking man I hope you’re good enough! Some how after about an hour or so I had stained and faux painted the grain back in place, I brushed it with the clear a few times and thank The Lord it was perfect.

I told the home owners, they were both there… The floor is wet in spots mainly the one in the middle. They told me no one was going up there it’s Friday, no more than did I get a half mile down the road and the owner took the air conditioning guy up stairs and the owner walked in the finish.

They wanted me to turn around and come fix it. My second thought is I have to go there today hopefully for last time. It’s no fun on this job, the home owner keeps asking all upset, does anyone work anymore I just want to move in. The workers think she is a bitch and complainer. One guy said “she wants to move in but keeps adding on” I replied I don’t see any extras just your work that needs to be finished, I don’t think that’s much to ask.

Have a great Tuesday

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Farm New post

A reclaimed boat

I was reading on Craig’s List and I saw what appeared to be a small boat with a steering wheel.  It is 17 feet long and light for its size. All one gets is the hull no motor no trailer.

I went to look at it and the hull was in good shape. All the trim was there and no dents. Did I mention it was made in the late sixties? It almost looks like an old impala on the rear.

My first thought was if I am going to work on a small old boat it might as well be a classic. One of the nice things is it is all original and all the parts are here and undamaged.

So I put my new 60 dollar boat hull, a 17 foot Alpex Sea Aire, on blocks in the shop and started tearing it apart.

My second thought is I hope there are no surprises. Thank God nothing out of the ordinary. I really like the old style motor boats no matter what size they are, they have class.

Here is bringing it home and washing it


Here is in the shop


Doesn’t it look as though it needs tail lights?


Now the long process of prepping the hull for new gel coat, then the new floor, carpet and add my outboard and off we go!




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So I am up early again today… Off to work we go!

The last three jobs we are doing that involve working on a house have been 45 minutes to an hour from home.

My first thought is I wouldn’t want to commute like this all the time. The people, the madness, some are driving as if to say “get outta the way or I’ll run you down bitch! ” We even had a police officer try to cross the highway right in front of us…

I do like the stopping and getting coffee part of the commute and it is fun to see all the different people that are up early hurrying to get their coffee and head to work. I could not imagine how it would be to have to punch a time clock every day…

My second thought is I would have all kinds of excuses why I was late. I had to feed the chickens, I ran into Mark, you know he likes to talk, sorry had to go to Lowe’s. It seems as though daily life would get in the way, how do people that commute and punch the clock get any daily life things done.

Even with the days getting longer, there is never enough time to get everything done. For a commuter, by the time they put in an eight hour day and drive 1 hour each way, 10 hours of the day are gone. And after that, who’s in the mood for doing anything else?


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