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My Thoughts On Tuesday

So, Here I am in my bunk on the Sailboat looking out the window hoping it is not like yesterday’s winter cold that blew through Jacksonville Beach with a vengeance. If this cold weather keeps up, I may go South before I head North…lol

My first thought is about the TV station called “Cool TV.” (It’s like MTV used to be, all music videos all the time) First I can’t believe we had hair that looked like that in the eighties, Whoa! There are so many musicians and bands I have never heard of, some for all the right reasons, but some are pretty good. It makes me wonder where was I or did they just not have a chance to hit the spotlight. I have never seen a station like this on TV I always thought this type were on cable TV. I enjoy watching this channel. I know it’s mindless but sometimes it is fun and relaxing to listen to the music.

My second thought this Tuesday is as we have hung out here at the beach in Florida I have noticed an over abundance of drug use. Not just pot but prescription drugs, this is a great destination but I think everyone at the beach here is on something. It’s a whole new breed of people trying to get high and sell their prescriptions. I have never been so disgusted before than to be approached like this – I am not that kinda guy.

So I did some internet searching, talking to some of the decent locals and have found that here in this area it is rampant even some doctors have been banned from some drug stores – the pharmacies will not fill the prescription. After reading some on the internet it is not just here but all over the country, people’s lives becoming consumed by these drugs. I guess there is a third thought in this one… What the heck happened to the doctors oath to help people I didn’t think it included drug dealing and ruining lives and families. I know I never really express my opinion too much but this just makes my stomach turn to see people that would otherwise do ok but they can’t because of their addiction.


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2 replies on “My Thoughts On Tuesday”

Wow, I am shocked at how prevalent it is. I tend to live in a bubble here in the middle of the country. I suspect it is here to, I just don’t happen to be aware of it.

I will say that everyone I know, seems to be on a variety of meds for different reasons though. I, personally am thankful I haven’t needed any prescriptions up to this point as the “possible side effects” scare the crud out of me. And there is the fact, I hate insurance companies that would probably raise my premiums from “oh dear god” to “no way in hell” status.

I have seen Cool TV here, too…one of the coolest things I think there is for life without cable TV. It’s great that they play a lot of music videos from the past because that was when MTV was actually cool and played music videos.

And yeah, I think you’re right about the drugs in Florida. I used to work for a physician there who took over the practice of a retired doctor in the beach area. He discovered that most of the old doc’s patients were just coming there for drugs, not for treatment. And you betcha, these guys did not like the changes my doctor was making in the practice.

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