New post Top Sites Tuesday

Two Thoughts for Tuesday

It’s that time of year again the season of Christmas Cheer. It seems as though as we travel we have seen a Christmas parade or boat parade in every town, it must just be the timing of our arrival.

This brings me to my first thought… I was going to have a video of the last parade it was awesome, there were little cars, horse carriages and a marching band but as you can see – no video. Why you might ask… I thought I was filming but I actually turned the video off and then when it was over I turned it on and got great shots of everyone’s shoes and knees. This was such an awesome vid I am not going to share it this will be for my private collection! So I am wondering why when I try to plan ahead for a cool post this is what happens, is it this guy called Murphy or what?

When we arrived in Turner Creek in Georgia today there was a sign posting about all the cool animals, fish and wild life. The one I found most interesting was the North Atlantic Right Whale. It seems as though they can be seen in this area. Here are a few of the things mentioned about them.

The North Atlantic right whale is one of the world’s rarest mammals.

The North Atlantic right whale weighs up to 100,000 kg (220,000 lb) and is up to 17 m (56′) long. It can easily be distinguished from the other great whales by its lack of a dorsal fin or dorsal ridge; its stout, robust stature; and the presence of distinctive growths on the head known as “callosities”. Right whales are individually identifiable by their pattern of callosities. The right whale is usually found in temperate waters. It is found closer to land than are most large whales, especially during the breeding season. Calves may be born in the protected waters of a shallow bay.

Female right whales have a very strong protective maternal instinct. This was taken advantage of by early whalers, who captured the calf first, knowing that the mother was then unlikely to escape.

Right whales were so named because they were the “right” whale to hunt: they are slow; they float when killed; they are found in temperate waters; and they have a high yield of oil.

Loss of gene diversity experienced by North Atlantic right whales over the last century has been modest. Any significant reduction in genetic variation in the species most likely occurred prior to the late 19th century.

And here we are in one of there breeding grounds. So my second thought is how cool would that be to see one of these magnificent mammals of the North Atlantic!?

If for some reason we do I will try to get it on video and not the the floor of the boat…LOL

Have a great week

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2 replies on “Two Thoughts for Tuesday”

Wow, you’re getting some pretty cool education about marine life in your travels. That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing!

You should post more pics though 🙂

Have a great week ahead!!!


I did the same thing trying to video my grand daughter’s dance class. I though I had this great footage and all I had was feet and floor. Hope you get to see a Right Whale and can share a video with us.

Clicks, Bud

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