Atlantic ICW Sailing Top Sites Tuesday

Tuesday’s Two Thoughts

It has been tough at times on the water, we got beat up pretty good the other day – there were thirty five knot winds and we were going to weather… Cold and wet.

This brings me to my first thought today. I woke up to a warm and cozy, quiet marina anchorage… Looked out the window at the nice waterfront of downtown Norfolk and the oldest naval hospital in the US in town of Portsmouth Virginia. I didn’t want to even get up after yesterday’s dodging ships and naval vessels trying to get where we are now. But to no avail, it was time to get up and make the decision of the day, do we stay or go… Next stop is about forty or fifty miles from here depending if we go through the Dismal Swamp or the Virginia Cut, the fast route that is more developed.

My second though is Trina and I have had some fun doing the history that is abundant in the Chesapeake and the ICW. We have had the fun of visiting the river that leads all the way to Washington DC and walked the roads of old Virginia that had homes circa the seventeen hundreds. We crossed the area that the big water battle between the Monitor and Merrimac was fought in the civil war. I am enjoying the fun of seeing these areas. I did not understand some of the history of this area until I came out to the water and started this trip – for some reason it all just started making sense.

I have missed a few days in posting but that’s the way it goes sometimes, all has been pretty good out here. We have been lucky and made some good decisions that have made some of the last crossings very nice… Except when coming into Hampton Roads at night that was a bit difficult to navigate with all the ship channels, flashing buoys and Trina telling me to “head more to the flashing red buoy” from down below when I could see fifteen of them… Yikes – That’s not what I really said, LOL it was more like “Which damn red buoy and what are it’s signals?” Each buoy has it’s own signal – flash one time every three seconds or flash three times every five seconds and so on.

I know it sounds like we aren’t working but sometimes I could use a good day at work to get some rest, LOL

So We are headed South as I publish this post and if you want to make my day just push the make me number one button below.


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2 replies on “Tuesday’s Two Thoughts”

It’s always so fun to learn about history through actual travels to the historic places. Glad you guys had a lot of fun. I saw Trina’s pictures and the water and the weather looked absolutely gorgeous.

Enjoy the rest of your travel! 🙂

Wolf, enjoy the trip and be careful. It good to hear about your progress but dodging other ships sounds dangerous. Take care.

Bud aka Older Eyes

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