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Where Have All The Bloggers Gone?

Don’t let me lead you to believe there are none left, there are many millions of blogs, but so many blogs have just faded away.

I wonder sometimes what happened to all the bloggers, there were so many and now all I seem to see is blogs used for SEO purposes. Yes, a blog is great for a website for SEO reasons and for driving traffic to a site that has items for sale.

I wonder with everyone moving to social networks, whichever they have chosen to move to, if it will last or is this the inevitable that has so many people wondering if Facebook and other social networks are going to be what everyone uses for their messaging, interaction with friends and for their business web page. I am not knocking Facebook or any other social networking sites at all, I just don’t see how you can get in depth on a topic or write a long post that can create some real discussion on Twitter, or for that matter any social network, that you can do on a blog. Social networks, to me, are for fun, uploading a video, etc… but not something you can replace a blog with.

I was reading that many bloggers became discouraged when they would write and there were no comments to what they had posted. Also that they didn’t have the time to write an in depth, long post on a particular subject.

I have seen on many of the social networks many posts that were left with no comments by anyone and some of the people have a thousand friends… Go figure out of all those friends not one left a comment.

Now I have noticed that many seem to share everything on social network sites down to their dirty laundry in a relationship and those posts seem to get comments. Sound like a reality show?

Maybe this is just the web evolving to something new. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

I have talked to many people that have deleted their Facebook account. When asked why the biggest reply from younger people was “I am grown up now that was so high school.”

The older people told me they didn’t like to share their whole life with everyone it just became too much.
Then there were others that said it consumed their whole life, they were constantly checking their Facebook and were hooked on the games and even found that they were spending money for gas on a make-believe tractor on Farmville.

I don’t know about you all but I think I will just stick to regular blogging. I can be happy and share my thoughts or rant and rave on a subject – whatever I feel like doing and not have to even think about what my Facebook friends might think or if my personal information is at risk due to a change in the social networks terms of service. If I post it on my blog it belongs to me and I don’t have to wonder if what I have posted is going to be used or if my photos will be used by someone else.

Happy Blogging

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