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Some say life is what you make it… I agree but there are a few other factors involved.  Myself I just go with the flow and really just don’t worry about a lot of things in life. I also believe we all are here for a purpose.

My first thought as I read some of the news ( I try to skip the crappy stuff ) is about a man in Michigan, a diver, he received a bible that was bought at an auction written in German from the 1800’s in the mail.  The bible was his grandfathers!

So this nice man is diving and finds a bottle at the bottom (it sat 97 years on the bottom ) this bottle was thrown in the water by his grandfathers sister and her friend with a note in it! The two girls had been playing on the beach in 1915.

Denise Pramstaller was researching his family history for ten years. The story broke the news and he has found more relatives than he ever thought!

Coincidence, maybe. I think it is totally cool. My second thought is everyone now says blaze a path, I think I shall stick with following the path before me, destiny always has a way of working out just fine.

Have a great Tuesday


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