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Two Bombs in Boston

I was working on the chicken coup yesterday afternoon, we took a break for coffee.
We are going to add gathering eggs to the morning detail lol

Trina looked at Facebook and there was the Boston Marathon covered in smoke, really!?

My first thought was, it’s a mixed group of people including kids and families – not soldiers – so what the hell. To me this was a very cowardly thing to do, attacking defenseless people at a sporting event…
We all want to believe this was a foreign act of terrorism that left three dead (one a child) and almost two hundred wounded, but with the way our society has been acting lately it is hard to say what I think.
We have had gun shoot-outs, then a knife wielding nut job killing the innocent. Remember some posts ago I said ” faith in humanity is temporarily restored”, well that’s out the window now! On top of the news of the knife wielding nut job, we have people making statements like ok “ban all knives!” I hear what they are trying to say but the timing for such a statement it’s almost a mockery to the ones that lost their life. But then again I don’t put anything past social media. I guess we will wait and see who claims responsibility for the Boston attack.

My second thought this Tuesday is I am glad to live where I do… One of seven farms on the whole street, the middle of nowhere. A quiet spot where blowing something up here would be highly unlikely. We definitely have our nut jobs but I don’t think to the extreme the big cities produce.

Home sweet home.

Anyway I’ll stick to the out of the way places, I have no desire to go anywhere crowded or full of people I’m just not sure it’s safe and I don’t think they can protect us from this sort of thing. It seems as though if bad guys want to hurt us they can. I believe that no one wants the military riding around the streets looking for the bad guys like they do in third world countries. Has it come to this though? Do weed need more protection at big events? Bomb crews and dogs scouring the area? What are your thoughts…


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