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Two Thoughts For Tuesday

We have made it further south here in Florida, a place called Manatee Pocket. When we saw it on the charts my first thought was cool we will see some of these incredible creatures. As we made our way into the channel all we saw were million dollar private fishing boats going 35 MPH with no concern for any one or anything, throwing a three foot wake, racing up to the no wake mark and the shutting down to idle speed.
I don’t understand why it is so important to roar up to the sign and then slow down… I wonder if they think their wake just stops right there.

Then I started thinking, crap I hope one of the Manatees didn’t go for a swim in the channel because they move very slow!

As we approached the marina area we realized how packed with boats it is – I mean packed. I did get to see a nose when we anchored but that was it. We sailed to the very back of the area to avoid the mess to find many sailers who had the same thought about the Manatee Pocket anchorage.

I found this photo and some info, you can read more by clicking on the photo.


Manatees can grow over 13 feet in length and weigh up to 3,500 pounds. Lengths of 10-12 feet and 1000 -1500 pounds for adults are more typical. In spite of their size, manatees have relatively little fat; they are a sub-tropical species very susceptible to cold. Their eyes are small, but eyesight is good. Manatees have a nictitating membrane which can be drawn across the eyeball for protection. Hearing is good too; manatees have large ear bones. They are very rare maybe 2500 known to be left. They are vegetarians and you know they are around when you see what looks like horse poop floating in the water. We went through another area where they live that’s how I know…lol

As fisherman one would think that they could respect the signs and warnings that they are here and to be carful.

The wind is going to blow in our favor again today so south we we go.
It will be hot today in the eighties, time to put up the sun shade.

Have a great Tuesday

2 replies on “Two Thoughts For Tuesday”

I have watched several documentaries about Manatees (because I am a dork that way) Interesting creatures.

That rudeness with the big boats is prevalent at Lake of the Ozarks here. You wouldn’t think so as it is a lake…not ocean or sea but a 70 foot cruiser will bounce a 30 footer all over hell. The big boats/yachts have taken over the lake and the resulting wake make boats that are 30 feet dangerous. Our daughter and son-in-law have a 30 foot deep bow boat that they only take out during the week when some of the big boats aren’t out on the water for the safety of their little boys. If you are ever wanting to see a lot of boats being swamped by wakes, type in “wake at Lake of the Ozark” into Google.

With the speed limit being 100 MPH on a lake with about 3000 boats on a good weekend some of the You Tube videos are pretty interesting.

80 degrees sound very nice about now. We are having a good day in the 40s but still not as good as 80 would be.

Have a good week!!! Click

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