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Top Sites Tuesday #75 – Two Thoughts on Tuesday

My thoughts this morning take me to changes… It’s getting close to that time of year when everything begins to change. Not just the seasons but people themselves begin to hustle and bustle so to speak…

The kids are on their way back to school and in some cases already are.

I guess I got to this subject watching the bus go by down our country road remembering the easy days of when the kids were young and getting on that bus. I would clean house and get things ready to go while Trina would drive them down our long lane. Was it because we could try to, and were able to, keep them from making mistakes is that why it seems so simple then? Yes, they do grow up and change, their problems do to.

I think it was much easier when they were little.

I myself find change in my life as I get older I look back at things I have done and accomplished and I think back to how could I have done that better, I know I have a perfectionist problem.

As I have grown I find that now it is easier to say to myself “do you really want to do this” and I find it is easier to take the simple and more loving way out. ( Not that I was ever stubborn and stood my ground ) Is this due to getting older and I want to show how much I really care? I am not sure but I do like it. I have a customer he says the first 100 years is the hardest… LOL I think he is right! I am glad to see change in my life and that I have the ability to stop myself when it’s easy to get upset over trivial things and just say “Oh well, that’s life”.

I was on my way home yesterday from the lumber yard they loaded the truck horribly bad and the material fell out on the road. Normally years ago I would be upset and very unhappy, probably get home grumpy. I got home and unloaded went in the house and took it out on the garbage, the dishes, the vacuum cleaner, the laundry, by the time I was done the house was spotless and I didn’t remember it had happened I was in bed asleep, it’s growing up I guess.

So here it is Top Sites Tuesday – I am back in the easy chair waiting for a delivery truck and then off to the shop after I finish all my web site work. Yes, I do it all from the easy chair- now I just need an easy button!
It’s another beautiful day… I love this time of year cool at night and warm sun during the day 🙂 Good working weather. *Sips Latte*

I hope I am not on the end of the line on the truck I have a lot to do today. But if so there is plenty to do around here. It seems as though the work on the farm is never done.

Have a great Tuesday

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5 replies on “Top Sites Tuesday #75 – Two Thoughts on Tuesday”

I think you are right, children are so much easier when they are young. It seems like they need us more the older they get. I to have changed as I have gotten older, there just are not that many things worth getting upset over. I think life gets easier because I do not get upset much now.

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Love and Blessings,

Wolf –
I think as they age, men go one of two ways … they can become bitter or they become mellow. I’m not sure what makes one man turn one way and a second turn the other. I think it has to do with getting through difficult times … I think that wears the rough edges off. For me, it’s also been having my wife by my side … she’s been good at quietly “encouraging” me to be a better man. Great post.


Bud aka Older Eyes

I dunno about the kids. With the 5 year age gap between mine, I thought I would know more about parenting the second time around to make life easier but it always seems like there are new challenges all the time. Thank goodness I work where I do…I learned so much about mineral supplements, health, and nutrition that I can at least have enough energy to keep up with the kids! HAHA!

Have fun!

Great post, Wolf! For sure, children are much easier when younger and yet they do become so much more interesting as they mature…or perhaps we should say challenging? I do appreciate all you are saying about life, living and reaching a quieter, more loving stage in life. Myself, I do believe it is learning and living in contentment. Happiness is a wonderful thing and certainly there are still moments of it but seems to me that instead of chasing happiness we live long enough to learn that it can be fleeting whereas contentment just loves to sit around and keep us company. For me, he/she is probably my dearest friend! 😉 Clicks, clicks.!

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