Farm Food New post Top Sites Tuesday

Chickens GMO’s and Bees

We finally found chickens… You would think this would be easy to do since we live in a rural area. But all we could find this last month were chicks, until the other day.

Everyone wants to know why in the heck I would want chickens. Here’s the deal, I can control what goes into making my eggs. It’s that plain and simple. Everyday we hear about our food being compromised with a chemical or genetically altered feed crops. My first thought was oh no big deal, they are growing bigger crops with higher yields… Everyone is living longer with a better quality of life. I’m not so sure I believe this anymore.
Monsanto, the leader of Genetically Modified Food, the maker of Agent Orange and the company protected from liability by our government for the 400,000 people killed and 2 million sickened, are at it again.

Monsanto is traveling around the globe with their products in which when planted you cannot save seeds for the next year because they have a patent on them. This has effected many farmers and forces the farmers to buy Monsanto’s seed. That’s not the worst of it either. In talking to our local bee keepers they blame GMO’S for the loss of 60 percent of their bee population!

I was told by one local bee keeper “There will not be enough bees to go around, a lot of farmers are planting and do not know it yet but they won’t get bees this year.” When I asked why, I was told that the Genetically Modified Food was to blame. The old timer went onto say that his bees are affected, become confused and disoriented. When this happens they don’t return to the hive, also the pesticides are killing many of the bees. I asked how do you replace them. “There are bee farms in Texas but it is so bad right now you can’t get bees for replacement.” This local bee keeper has decided to sell out at the end of the season. My second thought is heck I’ll buy a few hives and put them in the back of the farm. I don’t plan on using GMO’S or a lot of pesticides so they may have a safe place to live and maybe we’ll get some honey to boot.

I am not a survivalist but growing my own food and raising chickens lessens my dependency on our food supply.
For all the conspiracy buffs out there here is a thought… Our Government protects companies like Monsanto and Dow shielding them from prosecution so they can control the food supply.

Ok back to the chickens, these pics are from the day we brought them home:

is it safe here? Should we get out of the box?


It’s ok… Get out of that box!


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4 replies on “Chickens GMO’s and Bees”

That is awesome that you can raise your own chickens! I wish I could do that but being in city-suburbs area, I don’t think that would be possible. I did notice the quality of eggs that I get from the grocery store has gone down…they seem so watery now! Seriously. I try to get the cage free eggs as much as I can instead.

By the way, I hope your chickens don’t fly too high or away. I knew someone in a rural area here who had chickens and when I visited, those chickens were up in their trees. Yeah!

I applaud your efforts to try to keep your food supply safe. It is much more difficult when living in an urban area such as Kansas City is. I try to guy from farmers markets when I can. I am very concerned about where we are headed as a country in our food production.

The dying off of bees should be scaring the shit out of everyone. Do people not understand how pollenation works? We are seeing the bee keepers closing up shop here as well as their bee hives are dying off.

I am very disappointed in a lot of our governments currentl policies regarding the environment and food supply. Thank goodness for people like you that do their part to make it better.


I know what you mean. I t is getting harder and harder to find food that is naturally grown. like cage free chickens that are fed good food. I can find what I want and it does cost more but it tasted so much better. When you are my age you can remember what it was like to eat real eggs and fresh milk. Everything was grown naturally and it tasted so much better, it actually had a flavor. So you will see me in the isle that has the old fashion food in it!

Love and Blessings,

Hi, Wolf –

I haven’t seen any reliable sources blaming GMOs for bee deaths but Monsanto insecticides are another story. In Europe, they’ve already banned neonicotinoids, the nicotine-derived pesticide that Monsanto sells.


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